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The National Measurement Laboratory Expanded its Calibration Services

  • 發布日期:2022/04/06
  • 發布單位:度量衡行政組
  • 資料點閱次數:2271
The National Measurement Laboratory Expanded its Calibration Services.jpg

In order to improve the domestic system of measurement traceability and develop a profound quality infrastructure in line with international standards, the National Measurement Laboratory (NML) recently upgraded eight measurement and calibration systems, including DC resistance measurement, DC high resistance measurement, radiation thermometer measurement, thermocouple thermometer measurement, fixed point measurement for platinum resistance thermometer, angle block calibration, calibration of laboratory standard microphones by reciprocity technique and isotope ratio measurement. This enhances the quality of domestic calibration services and helps to improve the competitiveness of industries in smart machinery, semiconductors, biomedicine, and aerospace.

The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection, Ministry of Economic Affairs (BSMI) stated that the eight systems developed by NML have been serving domestic industry since their completion. The expanded systems aim to satisfy the industry demand for calibration of precision measuring instruments, including standard resistors, multi-function electricity meters/calibrators, decimal resistors, radiation thermometers (fixed-point/comparative), thermocouple thermometers (fixed-point), platinum resistance thermometers (fixed-point), ring encoders, condenser microphones and silicon isotope ratios.

Details about the calibration services, including specifications, scopes and fees, are available at the NML website (https://www.nml.org.tw). The NML accepts appointments for calibration within 3 months. Please contact the NML at phone number: +886-3-573-2243 or +886-3-573-2244 for questions on calibration services.

The BSMI pointed out that precise measurement is the key factor for quality assurance and industrial competitiveness. The measurement and calibration certificates issued by NML are accepted worldwide, which saves huge time, labor and cost of sending instruments and equipment abroad for calibration.

The NML, under the guidance of the BSMI, has established 134 national measurement systems in 17 fields, which satisfy the calibration demand of primary standards from domestic industry. On this basis, Taiwan signed the CIPM (General Conference on Weights and Measures) Mutual Recognition Arrangement. Such Arrangement is the solid foundation for Taiwan's industries to expand their global market by ensuring that Taiwan's measurement standards are equivalent to the international ones and the measurement reports and calibration reports are recognized internationally.

Responsible Division: 4th Division
Contact Person: Chang,Chao-Ching Deputy Director
Tel. (O): +886-2-23967149
Email: hush.chang@bsmi.gov.tw
