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Celebrating World Metrology Day and responding to global trends, Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection prepares for the challenges of "Digital Transformation" and "Net Zero Sustainability" together with you

  • 發布日期:2022/06/02
  • 發布單位:度量衡行政組
  • 資料點閱次數:2436
Celebrating World Metrology Day and responding to global trends, Burea.jpg ...

In response to the theme for World Metrology Day 2022 "Metrology in the Digital Era" announced by the International Bureau of Weights and Measures (BIPM), the Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection of the Ministry of Economic Affairs (the BSMI) has conducted the online Conference of Metrology Development for Digital Transformation and Net Zero Sustainability on 18 May 2022. The challenges of "Digital Transformation" and "Net Zero Sustainability" in the field of metrology were highlighted, both domestically and internationally, to actively respond to the rapid changes of global trends.

Dr.Ching-Chang Lien, Director General of BSMI, explained the meaning of World Metrology Day, which originated from the signature of the Metre Convention on 20 May 1875 by representatives of seventeen nations. The Metric Convention established international measurement standards and laid a solid foundation for modernization. At present, the rapid development of digital technology is accelerating the transformation of the global society and economy. Achieving net zero carbon emission is another major trend around the world in response to climate change and with a view to achieving the goal of sustainable development. Regarding both "digital transformation" and "net zero sustainability," accurate and reliable measurement data and internationally connected metrology standards play the key role.

Dr.Wynand Louw, President of the International Committee on Weights and Measures (CIPM), was specially invited to illustrate the global development of metrology at this conference. Dr. Louw said that to face the two cross-cutting challenges, "digital transformation" and "new metrology," CIPM will establish a more efficient digital measurement system, build a systematic metrology infrastructure in consideration of more uncertainty factors and enhance decision making ability. International experts, such as Dr. Takashi Usuda, Secretary of the CIPM, Dr.Tsan-Lin Chen, SVP of HIWIN MIKROSYSTEM Corp., and Dr.Yen-Haw Chen, Director of Research Division 1 of the Taiwan Institute of Economic Research, were invited as keynote speakers to deliver novel topics of metrology development on digital transformation and net zero sustainability. The future vision has been described through discussions between representatives of governments, industries, academics, organization and institutes, and measurement technologies would keep supporting the foundation of innovation.

Responsible Division: 4th Division
Contact Person: Chang,Chao-Ching Deputy Director
Tel. (O): +886-2-23967149
Email: hush.chang@bsmi.gov.tw
