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For a Safe Sleeping Environment for Infants, Reclined Cradles Will be Subject to Mandatory Inspection Beginning on November 1, 2022

  • 發布日期:2022/11/03
  • 發布單位:檢驗行政組
  • 資料點閱次數:2282
For a Safe Sleeping Environment for Infants, Reclined Cradles Will be .JPG ...

Reclined cradles have been used by parents to sooth crying babies and new functions added to the products have made them more popular on the market. Several incidents involving injuries or deaths to infants were reported in the United States due to suffocation or falls. The Bureau of Standards, Metrology and Inspection (BSMI) will regulate the quality and safety of reclined cradles beginning on November 1, 2022 to protect infants from hazards associated with such products.

The BSMI indicated that reclined cradles are not safe for infants to sleep. Babies should sleep in a firm and flat bed to avoid hazards of suffocation or falls. Besides, it is necessary to use the restraint system and infants should not be left unattended or with bumper pads around when they are placed in reclined cradles.

The BSMI said that the inspection standard for reclined cradles is CNS 15982 "Child use and care articles - Reclined cradles." The conformity assessment procedure is Registration of Product Certification (Module II "Type Test" and Module III "Declaration of Conformity") or Type-Approved Batch Inspection. Both imported and domestically manufactured reclined cradles shall be in compliant with mandatory requirements and bear the Commodity Inspection Mark before they can be placed on the market upon entry into force of the measure.

The BSMI urged business operators to protect consumers' right by ensuring safety and correct labeling of the products. It also reminded consumers to look for reclined cradles bearing the Commodity Inspection Mark and carefully read the usage instructions in the user manuals, warnings, disclaims and notes. Users are advised to follow the operation instructions and the followings when they use reclined cradles, cribs, or similar sleeping products for infants:
1.Reclined cradles are mainly used for taking care of infants who are not able to sit or stand without assistance and are not appropriate for sleeping. When using reclined cradles, the restraints system shall be adjusted to fit the size of infants. Infants shall not be left unattended, unrestrained, or with blankets, pillows or fabric materials around when they are placed in reclined cradles. Move infants to firm and flat sleeping environments (e.g. cribs) when they fall asleep in reclined cradles and place them on sleep-on-back position.
2.When using cribs, parents and caretakers should only use beddings that fit the crib and should avoid use bumper pads around the crib to avoid hazards of strangling or suffocation.

The BSMI encourages consumers to learn more about the products before purchasing them. For more product safety tips and information, consumers are welcome to visit the website of "Product Safety Information Network" (https://safety.bsmi.gov.tw).

Responsible Division: 2nd Division
Contact Person: Cheng, Ching-Hong, Deputy Director
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1763
Email: ch.cheng@bsmi.gov.tw
