BSMI Launched Certification Program for Outdoor Battery Storage Systems, a Critical Step of Energy Transition Towards Net-Zero Emissions
- 發布日期:2022/12/15
- 發布單位:檢驗行政組
- 資料點閱次數:3071
![BSMI Launched Certification Program for Outdoor Battery Storage System.png ... BSMI Launched Certification Program for Outdoor Battery Storage System.png ...](public/Data/f1671067302772.png)
Improving energy system resilience is one of the three actions under the energy transition strategy stated in Taiwan's Pathway to Net-Zero Emissions in 2050, which identified expanding energy-storage facilities for renewable energy being critical to build the resilience. The Bureau of Standards, Metrology & Inspection (BSMI) launched a voluntary product certification program for outdoor battery storage systems on November 14, 2022 to certify the safety and operation of outdoor energy storage systems (ESS) against technical specifications it published in August this year.
Most electricity generated by renewable energy, such as solar, wind, water, etc., are intermittent, which can not be adjusted to adapt to the needs of electricity supply. An ESS enables stable supply of electricity generated from renewable sources when it is needed. However, concerns have been raised over the hazard of fire and explosion resulted from "thermal runaway" of lithium-ion battery ESS and third-party certification of such systems ensures their safety on a continual basis.
The certification program was designed by consulting international standards and international practices. The BSMI held 5 seminars to help business operators understand the certification criteria. The whole certification processes include three stages: (1) "design stage" before construction, which requires verification of the design of the ESS project and components against certification criteria, (2) "site audit" after construction, which requires on-site audits and safety tests, and (3) "regular testing," which will be performed every two years during the validity period of the certificate.In addition to test the facilities against safety standards, the ESS has to be authenticated by electrical engineers and fire protection engineers.
The BSMI believes that the certification service it provides will help ESS project owners to prove to the public the safety of its energy storage system and encourages business operators to apply for certification. It will follow closely the development of international standards in this area and review the certification criteria accordingly to make sure that it aligns with international practices.
Responsible Division: 3th Division
Contact Person: Wang, Chun-Chao, Director
Tel. (O): +886-2343-1777